Empower Your Journey

Meet Guildstreet’s feature business: Diane Emond Coaching

Diane Emonds is no stranger to roadblocks and professional detours. Within just two years of beginning her career as a Geologist she found herself a single mother of two. Not one to fold in the face of a challenge, so she persevered.

Persevere she did, right into a major burnout in her early 30’s. Looking around she found few women to mentor her and even less of a roadmap to navigating the status quo. Through time Diane had to define what success meant to her and create her own path.


Through this a lifelong interest in personal development was born. Currently Diane is a High-Performance and Empowerment Coach who wants to challenge systemic biases in corporate Canada. Today many executives benefit both personally and professionally from coaching and Diane believes that it’s about time this tool left the executive lounge and became accessible to everyone.


Entrepreneurs at all stages face their own set of challenges such as:

  • Being taken seriously

  • Imposter syndrome

  • The stress of running and growing a business

  • Lack of support

  • Work-life balance

Luckily trailblazers like Diane have pushed through these obstacles and can show you the path to crush your goals. She uses a holistic approach to achieve this as it focuses on exploring all aspects of our life, beyond just professional, to help strike a balance.

Take The Next Step

Diane’s programs range in intensity from public speaking coaching to a 12 week one on one coaching program. If you’re looking for community support from a like-minded crowd she also offers workshops and 8 week group coaching seminars. Not sure which option is best for you? Diane offers a 1-hour complimentary coaching session to potential clients.

Regardless of your goals, Diane wants to be in your corner and give you the tools to level up in life and business.

Learn more about Diane Emond on her website.


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