ENTREPRENEURSHIP: The Crazy Power in Positivity
Entrepreneurship can be a battle of endurance. Between the high peaks of achievement are valleys of setback. Moments of self-doubt and fear. Moments where maintaining an entrepreneurial spirit and keeping your eye on your goals is a struggle. What makes entrepreneurs unique is your responses to these challenges. Your positivity and focus.
“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”
Henry Ford
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Entrepreneurs develop the ability to persevere and to grow stronger, more motivated … and more successful. How do you do this? You’ve read many times that success comes from shifting your mindset. Entrepreneurs succeed by knowing that you can succeed. Knowing that you can succeed steers you to finding out how to succeed.
Since Guildstreet started we’ve had our share of ups and downs just like every other business. We learned early that the key to overcoming setbacks and challenges was to shift into enquiry mode and focus on the positives, and then to see what we could do to turn negatives into opportunities. Each situation brings knowledge, opportunities and potential outcomes, and by concentrating on those, we set up for success and continually improve for success.
Now, when Guildstreet team members meet with clients, prospective clients or personal and professional friends, we talk about possibilities, and how a view of possibilities can impact performance and outcomes. Positivity is not sugar-coating. Positivity is generating ideas out of challenges.
Leading for Positive Growth
What kind of leader are you? Do you encourage people to keep trying and do you support them? How about listening and learning from everyone? Do you include your team in finding business solutions? Do you lead by example with motivation to push through and achieve something new? Many years ago my boss told me “Don’t bring me the problem; bring me three solutions.” With that simple sentence, she forever changed my world.
Need more inspiration? Can we help you change your world? We’d love to chat and help you and your business reach new heights. Contact our team today!
By Maggie Bremski and Keren Houlgate